Amidst a bitter loss
What brings the Tender through
The comfort of the Cross
And Resurrection too
When the gathering is gone
Silent raging feelings, feels alone
Now heaven is plus one
Remember God still sits enthroned
When the heart of the Tender is weak
Unable to stand at all
Lay still tender one
Omnipotence is at your call
When the weight is too heavy
The pain unbearably sharp
Gentle Jesus is nearer
He pulls you to his heart
There is no greater Father
No one who knows so well
The pain felt by the Tender
Nor the balm to make him well
(c.a.f. 11.20.2010)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Place
Pondering glorious things
Beauty plucks my heart strings
The melody lingers whist it sings
Mind deeper in The Place
Aching my heart for the new
Finishing my days through
Tapping the time to
Be in The Place
Embracing not to let go
Tears in eyes will overflow
How to wait here below
For that prepared Place.
Exiled here in fallen shame
Enduring consequences but not blame
All united in the same
Longing for The Place
Beauty plucks my heart strings
The melody lingers whist it sings
Mind deeper in The Place
Aching my heart for the new
Finishing my days through
Tapping the time to
Be in The Place
Embracing not to let go
Tears in eyes will overflow
How to wait here below
For that prepared Place.
Exiled here in fallen shame
Enduring consequences but not blame
All united in the same
Longing for The Place
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Around My Kitchen: Pt 1
I thought I'd give myself a challenge of taking 10 pictures of things around my kitchen for a little series. We'll see if I can get past 5.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
What do you think of when you see the word "Free." In this economy that word is like gold. It's like money in your pocket. It's like a weight is lifted. It's like drop everything and run toward it and relish and take advantage and own it. You don't have to spend your hard earned money in order to get something in return. It's value. It's precious. It's worth it. It's something I would get out of bed for. It's a word that sparks conversation. "I got this for free, can you believe it?!" It's something for nothing. It's unequal, no work for reward.
"Free" is a word that is packed with emotion and meaning. It can have different effects on each individual, but it affects everyone the same. It means, you pay-give-offer- nothing and you get in return something.
Is "free" worth it to you? In the economy of your heart, in the dark and weariness of your soul, in the worries of your mind, are you ready for something free?
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
"Free" is a word that is packed with emotion and meaning. It can have different effects on each individual, but it affects everyone the same. It means, you pay-give-offer- nothing and you get in return something.
Is "free" worth it to you? In the economy of your heart, in the dark and weariness of your soul, in the worries of your mind, are you ready for something free?
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I take a moment to contemplate. My Heart has many doors.
In the silence of my mind I walk it's corridor.
Door One has cares and weights I wish not to touch today.
Door Two is a meandering road where I could easily lose my way.
Door Three may find a sponge, a mop or a full laundry bin.
But door Four has You and that's the room I choose to get lost in.
(c.a.f 4.13.2010)
In the silence of my mind I walk it's corridor.
Door One has cares and weights I wish not to touch today.
Door Two is a meandering road where I could easily lose my way.
Door Three may find a sponge, a mop or a full laundry bin.
But door Four has You and that's the room I choose to get lost in.
(c.a.f 4.13.2010)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Pressing in
When Jesus was among them, the crowds would press hard upon him. All would flock to see him. All would travel miles and miles just to hear him speak. Some would give all just to touch the hem of his robe.
Is Jesus so very far from us now? Is he unreachable? I dare say, no. He is risen! He is alive!! Not only is the person of Jesus forever alive and sitting, as we speak, at the right hand of the Father, he is interceding for us and calling us to come to him.
We have tangible, touchable bits of Jesus too in the Bible. It is "living and active." It is the breath of God. It is forever at our fingertips for us to devour the very words of the God of the universe.
Do we press hard upon it? Do we travel miles to hear it speak to us? Do we give all to touch just the hem of it's bindings?
Let's ponder a few questions together. How far do we have to travel? Across our living room? Upstairs to the bedroom bookshelf? What do we have to give in order to hear Jesus speak? 30 minutes of sleep? Or even, a postponed shower?
Oh friends, have we become so "enlightened" or "evolved" that we have lost sight of what is truly necessary?
Is Jesus so very far from us now? Is he unreachable? I dare say, no. He is risen! He is alive!! Not only is the person of Jesus forever alive and sitting, as we speak, at the right hand of the Father, he is interceding for us and calling us to come to him.
We have tangible, touchable bits of Jesus too in the Bible. It is "living and active." It is the breath of God. It is forever at our fingertips for us to devour the very words of the God of the universe.
Do we press hard upon it? Do we travel miles to hear it speak to us? Do we give all to touch just the hem of it's bindings?
Let's ponder a few questions together. How far do we have to travel? Across our living room? Upstairs to the bedroom bookshelf? What do we have to give in order to hear Jesus speak? 30 minutes of sleep? Or even, a postponed shower?
Oh friends, have we become so "enlightened" or "evolved" that we have lost sight of what is truly necessary?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
This Is The Life
Your body is quiet, so soft and so warm
Your chubby legs are curled, foot rests on my arm
The curve of your lips are puckered like a kiss
Are gently drinking and you sigh in your bliss
Oh this vignette grows distant too fast
I wish to preserve this moment in glass
Today I might have been doing something "great"
I might have regularly had dinner at eight
I might have spent my money on purses or clothes
Or frequented all of the best Broadway shows
I might have traveled all over the World
But then I wouldn't have you, my sweet little girl.
Instead of laboring in the evolving work force
I labor for order, naps, obedience, and chores
I don't have glamorous dinners out late
Instead I eat at six, toast, bacon and eggs
I have not bought clothes, perhaps in years
I learn of most movies from the view of my peers
My precious baby, it's an honor to give
Every moment of the life I might have lived
To nurture and tend to your body and soul
You were that "something missing" that I didn't know
You undo me with your smiles and your charms
You overflow my heart, my mind, and my arms.
Your chubby legs are curled, foot rests on my arm
The curve of your lips are puckered like a kiss
Are gently drinking and you sigh in your bliss
Oh this vignette grows distant too fast
I wish to preserve this moment in glass
Today I might have been doing something "great"
I might have regularly had dinner at eight
I might have spent my money on purses or clothes
Or frequented all of the best Broadway shows
I might have traveled all over the World
But then I wouldn't have you, my sweet little girl.
Instead of laboring in the evolving work force
I labor for order, naps, obedience, and chores
I don't have glamorous dinners out late
Instead I eat at six, toast, bacon and eggs
I have not bought clothes, perhaps in years
I learn of most movies from the view of my peers
My precious baby, it's an honor to give
Every moment of the life I might have lived
To nurture and tend to your body and soul
You were that "something missing" that I didn't know
You undo me with your smiles and your charms
You overflow my heart, my mind, and my arms.
Rest peacefully now, my baby so sweet
Your dependant season is ever so brief
Mommy is battling off each little care
I'll clean all your diapers and soft wispy hair
I'll wipe your nose and all of your spit up
This is the life I would never give up.
(c.a.f. 3.24.2010)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A Sweet Little Girl

A wiggle, a giggle, a tickle, a toe
Two hands, a clasp and away we go
Spinning and grinning and twirling a-whirl
Ladybugs and tender hugs, a sweet little girl.
A curl, a lash, a soft curvy cheek
Feet thumping, legs jumping, a mousy squeak
Kisses and squishes and wishes galore
Roses and touching noses, a sweet little girl.
(c.a.f. 3.19.2010)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010

i have learned over the past few months that Trial is like a fire. it can burn and hurt, or it can warm my heart toward God. when it is ablaze, my heart is ablaze as well, for without God i could not stand it. when i pull away from a fire, i grow cold quick and need to step back close to get warm. so if Trial is a fire then blessed is the fire that warms my heart.
Friday, February 5, 2010

Luke 17:5-7 (Amplified Bible)
The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith (that trust and confidence that spring from our belief in God).
And the Lord answered, If you had faith (trust and confidence in God) even [so small] like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, Be pulled up by the roots, and be planted in the sea, and it would obey you.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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