Monday, April 5, 2010

Pressing in

When Jesus was among them, the crowds would press hard upon him. All would flock to see him. All would travel miles and miles just to hear him speak. Some would give all just to touch the hem of his robe.

Is Jesus so very far from us now? Is he unreachable? I dare say, no. He is risen! He is alive!! Not only is the person of Jesus forever alive and sitting, as we speak, at the right hand of the Father, he is interceding for us and calling us to come to him.

We have tangible, touchable bits of Jesus too in the Bible. It is "living and active." It is the breath of God. It is forever at our fingertips for us to devour the very words of the God of the universe.

Do we press hard upon it? Do we travel miles to hear it speak to us? Do we give all to touch just the hem of it's bindings?

Let's ponder a few questions together. How far do we have to travel? Across our living room? Upstairs to the bedroom bookshelf? What do we have to give in order to hear Jesus speak? 30 minutes of sleep? Or even, a postponed shower?

Oh friends, have we become so "enlightened" or "evolved" that we have lost sight of what is truly necessary?

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